For Creative Girls

Hair as Anything You Want it To Be: Laetitia Ky is the Queen of Hair Sculpting

Laetitia Ky is showing us that the beauty of outrageously long hair is in being able to turn it into an innovation machine and make pure art out of it.
Her hair is incredibly long, black and luxurious. And she’s made a worthy point of making art out of it, like when Shannon Wright turned Black Hair into Pop Art.
When you hear the saying ‘you are a work of art’ just think of Laetitia. The Ivorian Goddess of hair is showing the universe that she is indeed a work of art. She transforms her hair into all kinds of shapes to express her mind.

Laetitia KY is a fashion designer and an art addict from Ivory Coast. Follow her on Instagram for more hair expressions.