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We are here to accelerate the growth of Female Creatives.

For Creative Girls is a semi-educational platform that provides all the resources and channels the Female Creative (Content, Mentorship, Classes, Inspiration) needs to grow and be successful. We are a Social Enterprise that champions women engaged in the Creative world, showcasing them and inspiring upcoming female creatives to flourish. For Creative Girls Team-collage

Why we are here

To empower women globally.

We are a platform for creatively courageous females, championing women engaged in the Creatives (Design, Arts, Music, Writing, Painting, Cooking etc), showcasing them and inspiring the aspiring female creatives to flourish.

We believe Creativity and Creative skills are important for the Future that we want to see.

Sharing is caring

We inspire each other

For Creative Girls is run by Gbemi Adekanmbi and a team of awesome Ladies + 2 men, working to make Female Creatives blossom. Gbemi is on a mission to make Creatives and Artists a living breathing part of how the world, organisations, and societies run. You can schedule a 15-minute Creative Career Mini-session with her here.

We’d love to hear from you. Share your stories, your work, and awesomeness with us. We want to feature as many fantastic women creatives as possible. Send us a mail at and we will get back to you in 24 hours.

Curious to find out more?

Let's work with you to get the amazing results and growth you want to achieve.

Work with us.