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Here to accelerate the growth of Female Creatives.

Hola 👋🏿,

Thanks for showing love and landing on our platform. As a wholly bootstrapped Social Enterprise, we rely upon on our community, readers, and supporters.
We’d love your support, please make a contribution to keep us going.

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Why we are here

To empower creative women globally.

For Creative Girls as an ideology itself stems from the idea that Creatives are important to the growth of societies, economies, cultures, industries. And women who identify as Creatives in diverse ways or skills are essential to the growth we seek in these spheres of life.

We believe Creativity and Creative skills are important for the Future that we want to see and Creative Women will rule the day.

We inspire one another.

Our Impact

So far with support from community, fans, teammates, we have achieved these:

  • 720 Global Mentoring Sessions between For Creative Girls Mentors and Mentees from 2017-2019.
  • 91 Emerging Female Creatives Mentored.
  • 60% of Mentees have received internship placements, jobs, works exhibited and recommendations.
  • 10 Offline Workshops in 5 Countries.
  • 10k+ community members across Social and Email.
  • 300+ diverse Creative Women’s stories shared.
  • 10+ Partnerships with Impact-driven Organizations and Creative Businesses.
  • 20+ students and fresh graduates in Arts and Humanities have received career counseling
  • Working with organisations to infuse Creative Thinking and Creative Staff.
  • Online footprint & Members located in 40 countries.

Want to speak with us or our Founder, send us a mail at or and we will get back to you in 24 hours.

Curious to find out more?

Let's work with you to get the amazing results and growth you want to achieve.

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