Having the skill of being able to manage your time and investing it for doing something wonderful and useful is not easy but not impossible! Using your time effectively for beneficial reasons while having enough time can help you make the most out of each day!
To manage your time effectively, make sure that you are far from any disturbing drama, such as being in a distracting environment, wasting your time on social media and not having a To Do List for different tasks you need to get done!
You can enjoy your time and invest it in a positive way by following the below 5 steps:
Have a To Do list
By having a To Do List, you will have a good head start in investing and managing your time perfectly. To-Do lists help you a lot through achieving different tasks according to your mapped out & planned time/priorities.
Related: 10 Steps for improving your standard of living.
Have a weekly schedule
Make a weekly priority list that takes all your daily activities into account. You can break down larger activities and tasks into more manageable chunks, so you’re not overwhelmed and can manage your time efficiently. This will help you in feeling everything can be done easily!
Turn off your mobile phone sometimes
If you want to invest your time as much as you can, turn your mobile off. You have a lot of different stuff to do per day, you can turn your mobile on after finishing what you have scheduled.
Be far away from Social Media for a while
Do not waste a lot of your time by following different social media platforms. Just invest your time while being online there. Follow the most important stuff that can add to your daily life, but if you don’t get that much of benefits there, then leave it and focus on something more useful and important.
This will make you be more accurate and efficient. It will help you in ending your tasks and daily activities on time and according to it’s supposed deadlines! Reminders help you finish your tasks fast and effective! Delays or forgetfulness will be reduced.
This system of work adds to your life experiences and helps you in being more committed.
Also, learn how happiness affects your work & creativity: Samantha Clarke, Founder of Growth & Happiness School shares her practical guide
She looks forward to being an added value to (For Creative Girls) by helping in raising awareness of its work around the world!