For Creative Girls

Spotlight on the Colour Obsessed Artist, Jade Purple Brown

Ever flipped your Instagram pages to Jade Purple Brown’s? You absolutely should. Her art is a world of colours, a visual stunning layout with vibrancy and life. You know that saying – “future so bright, imma need sun glasses.” I’m turning it on its head to “world so colourful, imma need extra imagination.” For this is the definition of Jade Purple Brown’s art.

I imagine that Jade comes from an extra-terrestrial universe that is filled with colours, characters and life forms that are gorgeous. She is visualising them for us earthlings, so we can expand our thinking.
What I especially love about her is her use of placement & colour swatches to bring out the magnificent aura of the black girl magic. She commands the power of colour brilliantly and gives grace to your headspace.

Jade Purple Brown currently lives in New York as a Visual Artist using Graphic Design, Illustration & Art Direction to create content for fashion, beauty, and lifestyle brands.
Using bold blocks of color and strong female figures, Jade creates dynamic art that encourages herself and others to be more optimistic and free.

All photos are from Jade Purple Brown’s Instagram and Website.

Gbemi Lolade Adekanmbi is the cultivator of For Creative Girls. She is a firm believer in the fact that there is no division between the ability for science and the ability for Art. Her goal is to cultivate this ability with as many people as possible and make creatives a living, breathing part of how the world, organisations, and societies run.