For Creative Girls


YOU KEEP IT ZINE was created in response to the everyday socio-political situation. To start an informal, nurturing and sustainable conversation on alternative ways of everyday protest, coping and change.

For the first issue (#1) we are looking for multidisciplinary submissions on the theme of alternative ways of protest against CAPITALISM.

There are no restrictions in terms of the medium or timeframe when your work was made as long as you can find a creative way to fit it on a double page spread. You can submit visual materials or written pieces like poetry, song lyrics, recipes, notes, essays. The list is endless!

We are particularly interested in how you incorporate your response and themes within the chosen format.

Eligibility: This opportunity is for early-career artists, creatives, musicians, writers, thinkers with a link to East Midlands.

What you get: Selected artists will be featured in the first issue of the print publication and online marketing materials, take part in a 45 min long sharing session with other participants, payed a £30 fee.

Deadline 29 October 2021

Tap here for more details