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Popularly known as The Render Goddess, Dannie B has mastered the ability to transport viewers into alternate realities where her characters, often strong, ethereal Black women, command both presence and intrigue. 

Her craft is a bold statement with renders feeling like a narrative in itself, blending elements of sci-fi with deeply rooted cultural aesthetics.

Source: 3D Rendered Image by Render Goddess

This blend can be seen in some of her art work depicting a cyber warrior with glowing neon accents or the regal figure adorned with intricate jewelry, holding a curious bunny. These aren’t mere digital creations; they’re embodiments of strength, beauty, and complexity.

Source: 3D Rendered Image by Render Goddess

For me, it’s her ability to weave technology with tradition, all while maintaining an unapologetically Black and feminine essence, is what sets her apart. It’s the kind of art that makes you stop scrolling, zoom in, and get lost in the details.

But much more what really makes Render Goddess’s work resonate is her human touch. Despite the artificial elements, there’s an authenticity that comes through – perhaps it’s her self-taught background, or her knack for infusing her pieces with personal and universal stories alike. You can tell she’s not just about creating pretty pictures; she’s about conveying powerful messages and fostering connections.

Truth be told digital art can sometimes feel cold or impersonal, but Render Goddess manages to infuse warmth and soul into her work. Her pieces are not just decorative they engage challenge, and invite you to see the world through her unique artistic lens.

In her words

This is NOT A.I. Nor are these COSPLAYS. They are 3D RENDERS, hence the name “RENDER GODDESS.

Check out more of her 3D renders here

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