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As we’ve said previously, everybody has the creativity gene. But most of us need creative confidence to bring it forth; and like gifts and talents, it requires practise. The more we practice, the more creatively skilled we become.

Practice takes time and dedication. Through practice, we develop a creative habit and through habit, we reconnect with ourselves again as creative beings.

This is the aim of The100DayProject. It’s about unearthing dormant or heretofore unrealized creativity by committing to a daily practice everyday for 100 days.

“If creativity is a habit, then the best creativity is the result of good work habits.
They are the nuts and bolts of dreaming.”
— Twyla Tharp, The Creative Habit


The100DayProject will “awaken, nurture and sustain your creative spirit though the cultivation of small daily acts for 100 days!”

The project was created by Ann Russ and Catherine Benda; they are also the organizers.

The seed of The100DayProject began with a small band of visual artists, in Marquette, Michigan. Since 2008, they have done 100 day projects as a way to keep their creative edge honed.

Tara Roskell, a member of the Creative Girl Community, has interpreted the project in her own way and you can too.

To join the community and get your creativity on, register here.

Featured image via Howisustain.

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