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LA-based copywriter and Content Producer, Eileen Matthews has taken her interpretation of the 100 Day Project and turned it on its head with the ass kicking #100DaysOfFeministAds.
In this series, she creates print ads for famous brands that challenge gender equality in consumerism. It is crazily good!

Day 6: Glass ceiling problems. #100DaysOfFeministAds #the100dayproject

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Day 6: We've come a long way since the 19th Amendment. And we've still got a long way to go. #100DaysOfFeministAds #the100dayproject

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Day 8: Mansplaining headaches are real, ya'll. #100DaysOfFeministAds #the100dayproject

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Day 4: I'll have one home cooked meal without the sexism, please. #100DaysOfFeministAds #the100dayproject

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Day 7: No vagina, no vote. #100DaysOfFeministAds #the100dayproject

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