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Whether you have a hobby, talent, or product idea, if you are genuinely passionate about it and strive to improve it every day, you can make a living out of it by sharing your thoughts with the world. 

Everyone that has made a name has one thing in common, and it’s their passion for the work. It’s fundamental in making their performance notable, allowing them to stand out.

Various studies have shown that passion is incremental in people achieving their goals. Individuals perusing careers, and businesses that they are merely pushed into are more likely to fall short of motivation sooner than the ones that genuinely love what they do. 

Passionate things or hobbies take a lot of time, and if you aren’t generating money out of them, then there are increased chances of you giving up on them before reaching your full potential. It, therefore, is essential that you find efficient ways that can be used to not only focus on the things you love but furthermore, it will help you manage your finances. Being an author is no different, and being a female writer, you can easily encompass your ideas in your words.

If you aren’t interested in going complete commercial writing about your passion, one great way, particularly for women who have to manage a lot of things during the day, is to turn it into an eBook.

Focus on the details of your book

One thing that sets a new project is a unique idea. The chances of an idea being notable increases when there is a passion element incorporated

The first thing is that you completely understand what it means to write about your passion. Whether it is about the simplest of things like cooking or how you could manage a business from home, you need to be well aware of the competition in the field. You then need to figure out ways to how it can comply with the available time.

You can start with a detailed explanation of your subject. If it concerns a particular object, then explain the nature, uses, benefits, and other variants. 

The main aspect of a good book is in-depth knowledge, and if you aren’t well educated about something yourself, it becomes impossible to convey it to others. You can take creative writing classes as well to bolster your skill.

Once the thing has been identified and explained, you can then write down how it could benefit you. A woman may compose a book on recopies of delicious foods that she acquired over the years, or she could come up with ways to cope up with the challenging demands of the corporate organization. Still, it should highlight all the challenges and aspects of the subject. 

Making an outline

An outline is one of the essential things with everything, and it’s the same here. Identify the direction of your book. Then outline the chapters that you would like to write about. It’s essential not to overburden yourself and write one chapter or even less than that at a time because if you rush into things, then you are likely to miss out on details.

A daily word count goal is an excellent way of keeping track of the words you write each day. If you are writing on a device that doesn’t have one already, then you can use an online word counter tool. It’s essential to keep track of your progress, and it’s fundamental to writing a successful book.


Deadlines are essential and it is often very easy to get distracted by other activities hence falling behind on writing the book. You can make weekly deadlines and follow them strictly; if your book involves scientific research, it is best to perform it within the decided time limit. 

Early Feedback

As Jeff Goins states ’’Before you can launch a bestseller, you have to write a bestseller’’, it’s vital that your book is well-written. 

When you are writing a book yourself, you are more than likely to find every aspect exciting and relevant, but it doesn’t work that way, and it’s best to get feedback from the right people. Trusted advisers are essential in providing feedback, and they will also help you keep a record of the progress; you can conclude which parts need to be cut off and which need more effort.


Motivation is an often-undermined factor. Writing a book isn’t a simple task that you can perform within days; instead, it will take consistency and persistence to achieve your objective. 

Most people don’t ever complete a book because they lose motivation midway, and it’s important to remind yourself always why you are working on it in the first place. Usually, things you are passionate about are the ones that you really excel in, buts easier said than done; it is essential to keep track of it.

Paraphrase your context

If you think you are copying your article from the internet or your writing is not impactful then use the paraphrasing tool online that is easily available. It’s an efficient tool for the writer, especially for the one that is not native or experienced. This tool will change most of the sentences and words with the most suitable synonyms that make the writings more readable and optimized. 

Most writers and publishers use this tool to convert their plagiarized content into unique copy. 

Avoid unnecessary details

A major turn-off with every book is the excess of information. If you are writing an informative book, then you should never include data and information that would make the book lengthy and tedious. Instead, some of the bestselling authors have always suggested making it precise and to the point while delivering the intention behind writing the text. 


The launch is the final phase of writing a book. Most authors fail to deliver their great ideas because they lack confidence, and it all comes down to this final phase.

It would help if you believed in your writing and ideas while proceeding to the final step. You don’t necessarily have to look for publishers and rely on them for your success. Instead, you can launch your book as an eBook on Amazon. It’s also a great way, which provides a significant boost in confidence, and since everything has been revolving around technology recently, you can easily attract the target audience.

You can then write another book if you get your confidence boosted from the first one and launch it with publishers.


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