A 21st century millennial can be compared to a clock whereby every second counts for her. Each day is filled with new opportunities in which she is expected to explore. Maybe it is a new trend in the market. Such as the latest trends of denim jacket whereby any form of art can be incorporated into it.
This new era seems to be like a competition for a 21st century millennial. There are all kinds of things be it good or bad. Take a look at this case. Millennials are taking after some of the celebrities due to the pressure invoked by the social media. This is evident by the outfits they wear, their makeup and body shape among others. These celebrities make us believe how much life is `easier’ out there. Yet in reality, it is totally different. Peer pressure by their fellow agemates tends to be another cause. Once your fellow friends do a particular thing, you do not want to be left behind.
Nowadays, it is reported that a higher percentage of youths die every day. This is due to unlimited exposure out there. Drugs, sex, alcohol, cultism among others tend to be a norm. Some internet games are highly dangerous to our youth. Most youths are practicing what they see and in the end, it turns out to be sad. Some youths commit suicide while others join dangerous groups.
However, it is important to take risks in life, you just have to know what risks are productive, positive risks. This is because it proves your unlimited potential towards achieving your goal. This is despite your frontiers. Moreover, it enables an individual to be recognized as a heroine. This is due to taking a huge initiative towards acquiring a particular set of information. It also portrays the other unique side of an individual which we had no idea of. This proves as an added advantage to others.
Furthermore, it is vital for survival in the job market. Most employers are proud of employees who go the extra mile when performing their tasks. The tremendous effort may give you a plus in your job. You may acquire a promotion which you could have never imagined. Therefore, do not despise your little efforts in your job.
We have got a number of reasons as to why we do not take risks. There is the fear of failure and intimidation in the workplace. Most millennials fear to get it wrong yet it is a big favor towards the organization. This may deter their self-esteem in achieving the desired results. Furthermore, they may be threatened, mocked or rejected by their fellow employees. It may seem like a competition whereby their fellow employees feel defeated yet that should not be the case.
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Moreover, it can also be laziness. Millennials feel it is too much to ask and it is not their mandate. Therefore, they sit down and wait for the `others’ to take up that responsibility. It may take days, months and years for it to be fulfilled. Then, unfortunately, they are laid off due to a small aspect they failed to do.
Ignorance is another reason. We seem to be disinterested in taking risks. There is the feeling of showing no concern towards it. When mandated by the boss to go the extra mile, you either show up late or are not there at all. This spells doom in the company and higher chances of being sacked emerge. Despite all that, you do not seem shocked or guilty.
Another reason is the stereotypical nature of millennials. They expect to be ‘spoon fed’ every single aspect. In this day and age of the internet, one would expect much better than this. It is a sad state of affairs. As the wise men stated, “Only those who will risk going too far can possibly find out how it is possible to go.”
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In this technological era, there is a lot of information one can learn. As a millennial, it is your responsibility to choose whether to learn it or not.
Investigative journalists can be described as the biggest risk-takers in today`s society. They go an extra mile towards visiting insecure places to acquire a story. Who has the guts to interview an individual who risks his or her loved ones? It takes a lot of bravery towards executing such a responsibility.
It’s quite unfortunate that our millennials are not willing to take the risks of going an extra mile. They want each activity to reap quick results. This is why the casinos plus the betting facilities will never cease. How long will it take to realize that nothing comes easy? Sometimes taking risks is the only option left if you want to reap the fruits. It is high time the 21st century millennial learned that. Do not sit down expecting that your success will come easy. Work! Work! Work!
Here are some tips that would help our 21st century millennial to start taking risks. Getting to know where you are headed as a millennial. We should first assess what we need to do in order to achieve our goal. Our first priority should be that. Another tip is being an avid reader of financial books. Robert Kiyosaki is a good example. His books are filled with wise words of wisdom which will guide you as a millennial. Another source is Waceke Nduati`s column in the Saturday`s newspaper. She provides tips on what to do as a millennial and how to do it. She is a great financial expert too.
Starting from somewhere is another tip. Take baby steps in this journey. Start by conducting a thorough research on the topic you want to tackle. Then the rest will follow. In this digital era, it is best to research on the internet for tips on how to take risks. You can write them down in order to guide you and for future purposes. Make sure it is not Wikipedia. It may mislead you. Furthermore, it’s best to consult from other individuals who have taken risks too. It will enable you to get a bigger picture on the same.
Financial experts recommend persistence, consistency, patience, and hard work. Taking risks is also part of the deal. Remember there is no shortcut in life. Pursue the best path. Mitch Ditkoff is a great example of a heroine. He took several risks in life despite having no experience. Ask yourself how many times you have risked your life towards doing something great.