For Creative Girls

A Woman’s Place Is In The Resistance: Art & Posters Championing The Women’s March

Yesterday, the 21st of January 2017 has become a remarkably significant day, forever stamped in the history of moving human rights forward. All over the world women marched(and are still marching) in solidarity and as a voice reiterating the fact that Women’s rights are Human rights! And once more, the role of art in the society was lifted high.
In George Orwell’s Lord of the Flies, the decadence of power was shown in the phrase “all animals are equal but some are more equal than others” and this was thrashed out.
Yesterday, Women all over the world raised the banner of equality and equity. Here is a showcase of the Art and Posters from the Women’s March.

To see more art, posters and be fired up in your heart to take your place in this universe, see the hashtag #WomensMarch