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Writing essay is considered one of the most important tools that could help you to get a scholarship or get a good job or continue your university studies.

There are different steps that will help while writing a good and professional essay.  Following this process is the easiest way to draft a successful essay, whatever its purpose could be.

1-Have a purpose:

To write a good and professional essay, first you need to know about its purpose, why you need to write this essay and to whom it supposed to be delivered. Determining the purpose will help you to shortcut the distance and write it according to your needs and goals.  

2-Create a thesis statement:

Creating a “thesis statement”, tells the reader the point of your essay and what could be included in your essay.

3-Have an Introduction:

While writing your essay, you should start with “Introduction”. In this part, you need to write it in an attractive way. Having a summary spirit that could help the other part who is going to read your statement to understand this essay going to be about what?

Also, it is a good idea to start it with something special, such as: Quote, Motivational Story, OR anything else that could add and attract the reader to read your essay.

Either, do not forget to make sure that your introduction relates to your “thesis statement” and connects to it for adding a meaning and making sense.

4-Write a Body:

While writing a body to your essay, you can explain more about your essay`s topic in this part. This will be a good chance to clear more what you have mentioned already before in your “thesis statement”.

5-Have a conclusion:

The conclusion will be to sum up all your ideas that you have mentioned already before! Also, it should be to confirm all your previous ideas and writings.

Doaa Gamal is passionate about writing and helping others. She believes that through writing, one can deliver different messages that can influence the world around us. She works to help others set up their goals and discover their potential. She is also a life enthusiast and blogger always looking at the bright side of life. She is interested in sustainable development, education and helping others through volunteer work.
She looks forward to being an added value to (For Creative Girls) by helping in raising awareness of its work around the world!

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