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Bitch Media, an independent, nonprofit feminist media organization now in its 21st year, is pleased to offer the Bitch Media Fellowships for Writers, a series of three-month intensive writing fellowships whose goal is to develop, support, and amplify emerging, diverse voices in feminist, activist, and pop-culture media. The program is directed by Bitch co-founder Andi Zeisler.

Bitch Media’s mission is to provide and encourage an engaged, thoughtful response to mainstream media and pop culture. They strive to be a fresh, revitalizing voice in contemporary feminism, one that welcomes complex arguments and refuses to ignore the contradictory and often uncomfortable realities of life in an unequivocally gendered world. We publish the award-winning magazine Bitch: Feminist Response to Pop Culture, daily online articles and opinions, weekly podcasts, and offer lectures and workshops around the world through Bitch on Campus.

To kick off the third year of their fellowship program, they seek fellows who are passionate, engaged, and interested in developing their unique voices for these four fellowships, each of which pays a stipend of $2,000 for the three-month period.

Fellows will work with Bitch Media during one of the following four quarters:
January 1 – March 30
April 1 – June 30
July 1 – September 30
October 1 – December 31

Fellows will work in one of four subject areas during the fellowship period:
Sexual politics
Pop-culture criticism
Global Feminism

During the 3-month fellowships, fellows will:
1. Produce a minimum of six online articles for Bitch Media in the topic area of their fellowship. These pieces can take a variety of forms: reported, analytical, advocacy-focused, even infographic, and are least 600 words in length.
2. Produce at least one long-form article to be published in the quarterly magazine Bitch: Feminist Response to Pop Culture.
3. Participate in bi-weekly discussions (by phone or Skype if fellows cannot meet in person) with the fellowship director and other members of the Bitch Media staff.
4. Receive mentorship and support in creating, shaping, and editing articles and blog posts.
5. Receive follow-up support with placing future articles and essays, and make great connections within the feminist-media community.
6. Receive a $2,000 stipend for the three-month fellowship.

Who should apply?
This fellowship was created in order to cultivate and amplify new voices. If you are a writer who has minimal publication experience, we strongly encourage you to apply. If you are passionate about one of the above subject areas but do not have a history of writing or blogging about them, we strongly encourage you to apply. If you are a writer still figuring out what subjects obsess you, we strongly encourage you to apply.

This is not a full-time position, but an independent fellowship designed for writers who want to develop confident, well-rounded voices and are particularly interested in feminist criticism and mission-driven journalism. Fellows may be based globally, and U.S. citizenship or residence is not required to be a fellow. Writers who have contributed to Bitch before will be considered on a case-by-case basis.

Check for more info and send in your application here.

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