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Inspired by the book ‘The Butterfly Workshop’ by Gioconda Belli, Anne Ten Donkelaar restores butterflies. The children’s book is about a character called Arno, one of the ‘designers of all things’ who secretly wants to create something that is as beautiful as a flower and can fly like a bird. Arno works in a space where butterflies are designed and made. This appealed to Anne so much, she decided to create her own space in the manner.

Graduated in 2007 at the ‘Utrecht school of The Art’ (NL) direction “3D Product Design”, Anne Ten Donkelaar finds all these unique discoveries (A damaged butterfly, a broken twig, a bumblebee, some strangely grown weeds) in her path and then takes them home to her studio. In her studio, she takes her time to explore the objects and try to work out how she can show each one to it’s best advantage. While looking at them she can invent my own stories about their existence and their lives.

Detail "Twin spinner" #butterfly #embroidery #wings #entomology #collage

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Embroidered butterfly wings #embroidery #butterflies #brokenbutterflies #tread #artwork

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"Queen of wings" is created from pieces of broken wings. (w:40 h:50 d:5.5cm) #butterfly #collage

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Working on new Butterflies #butterflies #beads

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