Creative Women & Projects September 22, 2016 Radhika Prabhu’s Artworks: The Intersection of Visual, Performance and Installation Art Radhika Prabhu is a Bharatanatyam (South Indian Classical) dancer. She has performed… forcreativegirls 0 Love0
Creative Women & ProjectsInterviews September 20, 2016 Language Translation as a Tool for Business/Artistic Expansion: Charlotte and Sheilla Addison’s Story Twin sisters who began a venture using their language skills to provide… forcreativegirls 0 Love0
Creative Women & Projects September 17, 2016 Textile Design and Craft: Exploring Naama Ben Moshe’s World Think about all the ways your imagination ran wild as a child… forcreativegirls 0 Love0
Creative Women & Projects September 15, 2016 Curating Culture Through Design: Chauntelle Lewis’ Creative Artifacts Capturing moments and data points of events can be tricky in the… forcreativegirls 0 Love0
Creative Women & Projects September 10, 2016 Dear Umfokazi and The Pot: Jennifer Idowu’s Mysterious Writing Prowess Her work is a beautiful case for tepid courage and curious mobility. forcreativegirls 0 Love0
Creative Women & ProjectsInterviews September 6, 2016 Design Milk’s Jaime Derringer On Design, Art And Curating Awesomeness Trends, as you know, shift and cycle. Change feels like the only… forcreativegirls 0 Love0
Creative Women & Projects September 3, 2016 Warli Painting, Calligraphy And Origami By Aishwarya Patil Her calligraphy artworks have been placed at Art exhibitions held at KIT's… forcreativegirls 0 Love0
Creative Women & Projects September 2, 2016 Digital Illustrations, Paintings and Nonye Okoye’s Creative Connoisseur Career She aspires to be well versed in many artistic disciplines such as… forcreativegirls 1 Love0
Creative Women & ProjectsInterviews August 27, 2016 Lola Faleti And The Craft Of Crocheting If you are a lover of all thing crocheted, like we are,… forcreativegirls 0 Love0
Creative Women & ProjectsInterviews August 25, 2016 Tosin Oshinowo: Design, Space And Being A Woman In Architecture Tosin is a young architect and owner of cmDesign Atelier, an architecture… forcreativegirls 0 Love0