Namibian visual artists, wherever you are send your photographs or illustrations for consideration for the DOEK! November issue.
Flyer via Twitter
Submission Guidelines:
- Only original work will be considered. Previously published work (in any medium, including social media, personal blogs, or exhibitions) is not accepted.
- Visual artists must submit five (5) images from a project in .jpeg or .jpg format for consideration. If accepted for publication, more images will be requested. (A published project typically has 10-15 images.)
- Each image may not be larger than 1.5 MB. Image resolution must be 300dpi. Image width must be exactly 1500px. Height is variable.
- Images must use the submission title as their filename and must be numbered sequentially.
- Images must not have watermarks on them.
- Visual artists must submit a short write-up (or abstract) about the project. The write-up may not be longer than 200 words.
- Write-ups must be typed: Times New Roman, 12 pt, 2.0 line spacing. The document should only contain the title and the body text of the write-up. No identifying details (name, contact number, or email address) may be used in the filename or be placed anywhere in the write-up document.
- Write-ups can be sent in any of the following formats: Microsoft Word (.docx and .doc), Rich Text Format (.rtf), and plain text (.txt).
- Visual artists cannot submit to or be considered for two or more categories at any given point in time. Each visual artist must wait for the final outcome of their submission before submitting again. Unsuccessful visual artists are free to submit other visual arts projects or written work if their submissions are not accepted for publication.
- Visual artists who have been published in Doek! must wait one year from the date of their publication before submitting any work (in any category) to the magazine for consideration again.
- Visual artists must be 18 years of age or older at the time of submission.
Submission Deadline:
Friday, 01 Oct 2021.
Tap here for more details.