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Future Africa is an early stage venture fund that connects investors to mission-driven founders who are turning Africa’s most difficult challenges into global businesses. Our mission is to fund a future where purpose and prosperity are within everyone’s reach. We have 50+ portfolio companies with $20M USD under management including Andela and Flutterwave. Our fund is backed by the founders of Andela, Paystack, Jumpbike and investors at Local Globe. If this sounds exciting to you, we should probably talk about working together.


  • Previous experience as a Product Manager at a venture backed startup or venture investment firm
  • Communicate fluently in English
  • Ability to work during WAT business hours
  • Ability to work remotely with fast wifi


In this role, you’ll often find yourself…

  • Drawing out feedback from our users on their product experiences
  • Guiding the product development process from strategy to design, technology, and launch
  • Defining key metrics and using insights to guide product improvements
  • Developing our product roadmap, prioritise initiatives, aligning stakeholders
  • Collaborating and communicating on all product initiatives
  • Removing blockers, relentlessly pursuing product objectives

This role could be perfect for you if…

You’re a Strategic Thinker and Doer

You understand what goals you want the company to achieve and set out with actionable steps to achieve them. You think long-term and build strong relationships with customers and colleagues to do so.

You’re a Relentless Marketer

You love learning how to improve the product by listening to customer feedback and turning those insights into product features. You use primary and secondary customer research as well as market research to develop ideal customers and inform your product strategy.

You’re a Many Hat Wearer

You wear many hats because you enjoy knowing the holistic company perspective. You use your different hats to work across the product and management teams and with customers to make sure things stay on track and are going in the right direction.

Deadline: 31 January 2022

Apply here.

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