For Creative Girls

Jack Hazard Fellowship for Writers 2023

Applications for the Jack Hazard Fellowship 2023 is now open!

Jack Hazard Fellows are fiction, creative nonfiction, and memoir writers who teach full-time in an accredited high school in the United States. We provide a $5,000 award that enables these creative writers who teach to focus on their writing for a summer.

Below, you will find the eligibility requirements, an FAQ, and the link to the online application.

Who can Apply

– Three years minimum of full-time grades 9-12 teaching experience.

– Teaching full-time grades 9-12 in the 2022-2023 school year in an accredited high school in the United States and committed to return to that school in 2023-2024.

– Full dedication to the proposed project in Summer 2023; that is, no summer all-consuming work responsibilities, such as teaching summer school.

How to Apply

– A completed application form attached here in this link

– An attached writing sample (with title) of fiction, creative nonfiction, or memoir, of no more than 5,000 words. Word doc, double-spaced, with standard formatting. [pdf]

– You may be asked for additional writing samples.

– A brief biography of no more than 250 words. Include in your bio reflections on: your career as a writer and a teacher, your students, your school and how your writing relates to that or any other community of import to you.

– An attached c.v. with vitals (snail mail address, phone, etc.), along with relevant details about education, teaching experience including courses taught, and publications, if any.

– The name, email address, and phone number of the person who has the authority for your employment contract in the 2023-2024 academic year, such as the principal or head of school. Please advise that person you are applying for this fellowship and that the New Literary Project may reach out.

– A description of your proposed writing project with title, no more than 250 words. In that proposal, please address how this fellowship will directly support and enhance your writing.

– Subject line of your email should be: JHF Application [Your name]

Other Important Information

If you are named a Jack Hazard Fellow, you agree to provide your written reflections on your writing experience during the summer and to share with the New Literary Project the work you produced. You retain rights to your writing.

If you are named a Jack Hazard Fellow, you agree to participate in any scheduled Zoom meeting(s) hosted by New Literary Project.

Any questions regarding the Jack Hazard Fellowships can be sent to:

Ian S. Maloney, Program Director, OR you can Check out the Fellowship FAQs here

Apply Here