Celebration in a box is looking for a visual & creative part time freelance graphic design assistant who works at a speedy pace.
To be successful in this graphic design role, you must be computer prolific and able to can multi-task. The Job is Chelsea based but events are held all over London.
This is a great role for someone with lots of energy, graphic design knowledge, and creative with an artistic flair. Graduates are super welcome.
You will be creating and designing merchandise and table settings, so you should be familiar with Cricut Design planning (illustrator, photoshop, indesign). You will also Craft – Create bespoke decoration for events while multitasking flexible hours. You should however be available for some evening/weekend work if an event setup/breakdown falls during that time. This means you should be a team player, who is organised and an efficient eye for fine detail
Experience to Have
Fast on a computer
Photoshop or Illustrator experience
Microsoft Office Suite
Experience with Vinyl and cutting machines
Cricut design
Who we Are
With the pandemic changing how people interact profoundly, I began sending my friends creative and fun table decorations so that they could still have memorable meals and celebrations even though they were confined to their homes for months on end.
This concept evolved into Celebration in a Box, where my ability to elevate special occasions could be boxed up and sent anywhere across the UK and the US. These carefully curated boxes are designed to create an experience for you and your guests, making memorable celebrations with friends & family for years to come.
What we do
Celebrations by Jenny symonds is a small bespoke party company which is known for its creative and atmospheric party tables. Events range from 10 to 100 guest and the focus is in both London and New York City.
Wether it’s a small family gathering or a 200 person 50th Birthday Party, we aim to make your event special by adding personalisation and magic to your table. Whether in person or sent to you in one of our creative boxes, we set the tone for a magical event
Your benefits
Salary£15 – £20 per hour (Freelance, Negotiable)
10-15 hours (Freelance)
Location: Chelsea
Deadline: 30 November 2022
How to Apply
Send an email with your CV & Portfolio here