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A Wallace Stegner Fellowship at Stanford University provides writers with a living stipend of US$26,000 per year for a period of two years. In addition, fellows’ tuition and health insurance are paid for by the University’s creative writing program. Five of the fellowships will be awarded to fiction writers and five will be awarded to poets.
Fellows are regarded as working artists, intent upon practicing and perfecting their craft. The only requirements are workshop attendance and writing. The program offers no degree.
In awarding fellowships, the Standford University considers the quality of the candidate’s creative work, potential for growth and ability to contribute to and profit from our writing workshops. The Stanford Creative Writing Program’s students are diverse in style and experience, with talent and seriousness the true common denominators.

To be a Stegner Fellow:

  • You do not require any degrees or tests for admission
  • No school of writing is favored over any other
  • Chronological age is not a consideration
  • The Stegner Fellowship is a full-time academic commitment and is not intended to be pursued concurrently with another degree program.
  • Fellows must live close enough to Stanford to be able to attend workshops, readings, and events.

How To Apply
The application deadline is December 1, 2017, at 11:59 PST.

To complete the online application you will need the following:
-Your biographical information (including education and publications)
-Contact information for two recommenders (letters of recommendation not accepted)
-Statement of plans (.doc/.pdf)
-Manuscript (.doc/.pdf) fiction up to 9,000 words, poetry up to 15 pages
-Credit card for application fee

Get more information and apply here.

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