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War Stories, Peace Stories (WSPS), in partnership with the Pulitzer Center, invites journalists working from any platform to pitch a project focused on an underreported nonviolent response or peace effort in an international conflict area.

Three projects will be selected for Pulitzer Center funding. The level of support will vary between $5,000 and $20,000, based on travel and related costs associated with each project. All three winners will present their pitches live to a panel of judges at the War Stories, Peace Stories Symposium on April 11, 2018, at the Times Center in New York City. One of the journalists will be selected for an additional $5,000 award.

“A peace-builder can be as heroic as a soldier, yet we do not often see stories about nonviolent response to conflict,” said Jamil Simon, executive director of War Stories, Peace Stories. “With this pitch competition, we’re hoping to inspire journalists to seek out stories that focus on peacebuilding efforts and nonviolent resistance in conflict areas.”

“We’re excited for journalists to pitch their ideas in this forum, and we believe it will inspire others to approach conflict reporting in different ways,” said Jon Sawyer, executive director of the Pulitzer Center. “Our partnership with the War Stories Peace Stories team furthers our own commitment to promoting great journalism via innovative collaborations.” Peace Image - WSPS and the Pulitzer Center on Crisis Reporting Offer Journalism Grants

WSPS seeks pitches that illuminate peace efforts, nonviolent resistance, and reconciliation in areas of international conflict or extremism. “We’re interested in stories that capture the drama of peace negotiations, nonviolent protest and resistance, or community efforts to prevent violence and preserve peace,” added Simon. “We’re looking for stories that help us understand nonviolent solutions to conflict, of ordinary people and communities working for peace in high-conflict areas, of emerging leaders attempting to realize their vision for peace. We’re also looking for stories that will capture the imagination of editors at leading news outlets—and of the audiences they serve.”

Applications are due March 1, 2018, at 11:59 pm EST. Established and emerging journalists working in any medium are welcome to apply. Three winners will be announced on March 20. Winners must be available to travel to NYC for the event on April 11, 2018.

About WSPS
Founded in 2017, War Stories Peace Stories is a special project of Spectrum Media in partnership with Peace Direct. WSPS seeks to encourage greater reporting on peace efforts and nonviolent resistance around the world and to inspire a wider range of approaches to conflict reporting. Visit for more information or follow @warstoriespeace on Twitter.

About the Pulitzer Center
The Pulitzer Center is an award-winning nonprofit journalism organization dedicated to promoting in-depth engagement with global affairs through support of quality international journalism across all media platforms and an innovative program of outreach and education. The Center supports over 150 international reporting projects a year, partnering with leading news outlets, schools, and universities to help raise awareness of the most underreported global issues of our time. Follow them on Twitter: @pulitzercenter.

We encourage journalists to go beyond traditional conflict reporting and to consider telling the stories of conflict in ways that speak to peace. We want to be surprised. We want to understand options other than war. We want stories that help policymakers think about responses to conflict in new ways. What are the hidden costs of conflict? Whose voice or perspective is missing from the way the conflict is framed? What will it take for peace to be achieved or sustained?

Projects may include print, photography, audio, video, or a combination of media. We encourage applicants to apply as teams.

Pitching for Peace is open to journalists of any nationality. Writers, photographers, radio and podcast producers and filmmakers; staff journalists as well as freelancers are eligible to apply. All application documents must be written in English. Members of the WSPS advisory board and production team are not eligible to apply

Applications are due March 1, 2018 at 11:59pm EST and must be submitted online here. Three finalists will be announced on March 20. Awards will be announced live at the April 11, 2018 WSPS Symposium.

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