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British Council Ghana is inviting applications for curation of their 6-day pop-up creative hub in Accra.
From August 2017 until March 2018 the British Council will deliver a series of multidisciplinary arts and creative economy activities to celebrate the sixtieth anniversary of Ghana’s independence. Majority of the activity will take place during a six-day pop-up creative hub that will see us turning the British Council Ghana Skills Hub and Innovation Centre into a collaborative workspace for young artists, creatives, designers, technologists, ‘hackers’ and makers from Ghana and the UK to connect, share ideas and build physical outputs. The core activity will hold in the second week of November 2017.

The key objectives of the pop-up hub will be to:
Connect British and Ghanaian young creatives to enable them to collaborate and present their work
Stimulate debate and discussion to help articulate challenges and opportunities for young people in the creative economy
Offer an opportunity for young artists and creatives to develop their practice through peer-to-peer sharing and learning

What they are looking for:
We are currently seeking original and adventurous proposals to curate the program for the six-day pop-up hub.
A joint proposal from a creative hub or network in Ghana and a similar network in the UK which comprises predominantly young creatives between the ages of 18 and 35
The proposal must have one lead partner from either Ghana or UK and another partner from the other country
Projects that offer a balance between forums that give participants an opportunity to strengthen and showcase Ghana / UK creative partnerships, explore the challenges that face young people in the creative sector in the UK and Ghana and offer skills development.
Creative partnerships that offer an exciting experience for artists, participants, and audiences
Projects that support the hub’s objectives, concept, and themes, as stated above
Projects that have a strong digital element for wider audience engagement in both countries

Check British Council Ghana website for more information and apply.

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