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Employing algorithmic tools and complex diagramming techniques, Pastry Chef, Dinara Kasko designs and creates Cakes aesthetically reminiscent of 3D graphs, geometric models, and sculptures. To finetune and showcase her Pastry craft and produce a diverse collection of cakes, Dinara teams up with an insane range of professionals, including mathematicians, scientists, and sculptors. No matter the inspiration or collaboration, all of Kasko’s creations have one thing in common: her desire to “make something interesting and fresh and experiment with new creative ideas.”

Last week the presentation of a new, fourth type of chocolate – Ruby, took place in Shanghai. Barry Callebaut, one of the largest chocolate producers in the world, invited four pastry chefs from all over the world to introduce their new chocolate. I was honoured to be one of the first who could try the new pink chocolate, work with it, to represent the company at a major event and work together with these talented chefs Martin Diez @chefmartindiez , Marijn Coertjens @marijncoertjens and Janice Wong @janicewong2am For this presentation, I developed a new form inspired by talented artist Matthew Shlian @matthewshlian and recipe with Ruby. You can read more about the event, about the new pink chocolate Ruby and about my dessert on the site WWW.DINARAKASKO.COM . На прошлой неделе в Шанхае состоялась презентация нового, четвертого вида шоколада – Руби. Шоколад уникальный, ни с чем не сравнимый вкус, будто ягодный, но весь секрет в Руби бобах розового цвета. Никаких вкусовых добавок, ароматизаторов и красителей. Barry Callebaut, один из крупнейших производителей шоколада в мире, пригласил четырех кондитеров из разных стран мира, чтобы представить их новый шоколад. Я была очень рада оказанной мне чести быть одной из первых, кто мог попробовать новый шоколад, поработать с ним, представлять компанию на крупном мероприятии и работать вместе с талантливыми шефами Martin Diez, Marijn Coertjens and Janice Wong. Для этой презентации я специально разработала новую форму и рецепт вдохновляясь работами @matthewshlian . Вы можете посмотреть фотоотчет и прочитать больше о событии, о новом розовом шоколаде Руби и о моем десерте на сайте WWW.DINARAKASKO.COM #rubychocolate #barrycallebaut #chocolate #shanghai #dinarakasko #cake #cakes #bonbon

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Pastry Chef from Ukraine, Dinara Kasko is a 28-year-old who started to bake like most people, with some simple cakes and pies, but it quickly turned into her passion. She graduated from the University of Architecture and Design and worked as an architect-designer and a 3D visualizer. Pastries just became more interesting to her at some point. She liked what she was doing as an architect, but became more interested in Patisserie. From the moment She got into Patisserie she decided to try to add something new into it and realized that the appearance is as important as taste. She started trying to model her own moulds and print them with a 3D printer and the result was terrific.
Now Dinara wants to try more and more as a Pastry Chef and will not stop. She is studying, modeling and baking, preferring simple plain geometric shapes like cube, triangle, and sphere. She likes black colour, as well as red and white.

@dinarakasko Geometrical kinetic tarts. This work is the result of collaboration with José Margulis @j.margulis Great talented artist from Venezuela who works with Geometric abstractionism and Kinetic art. I tried to transform his creations, made of plastic, aluminum and acrylic, into something edible, using basic techniques and ingredients. All decor was made from white chocolate using milling machine. Read more about these works on my website The track: DJ LK – Garden Of Sadness . Геометрические кинетические тарты. Работа является результатом совместной работы с José Margulis @j.margulis талантливым скульптором из Венесуэлы, который работает с геометрическим абстракционизмом и кинетическим искусством. Я попыталась превратить его творения, сделанные из пластика, алюминия и акрила в кондитерские изделия. Для создания декора я использовала белый шоколад и ацетатные пленки, вырезали пластины с помощью фрезерного станка. Читайте всю статью на моем сайте . #dinarakasko #cake #desserts #pastrychef #chefstalk #okmycake #pastry #pastryinspiration #cakes #kharkov #харьков #pastryart #geometry #kineticart #art #jmargulis #geometricart #sculpture #kinetic #parametric#designmilk#tart #торт

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