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The idea to bring the authenticity of Nigerian pottery to the world in the form of dinnerware and other home goods has been a long time dream of partners Ema-lohi and Ola-jiday. Both; wholly committed to living a holistic, natural and eco-friendly life stopped using microwaves in their home. They began using clay pots and dishes from Ola-jiday’s ancestral home in Northern Nigeria. They baked, they cooked and re-heated their meals in these dishes and pots. They used jugs and containers to keep drinks cool and used mugs and kettles to keep their tea and coffee hot. The versatility, use and aesthetic of the ceramics is a continuous source of inspiration and beauty. ikoko-ceramics-dinnerware-910x600

So Ema-lohi and Ola-jiday created a pottery platform for authentic, handmade, ceramic dinnerware called ìkòkò ceramics. It is the most ethereal and gorgeous platform filled with collection upon collections of Dinnerware heaven. You should totally check them out on their website.

Here’s a snippet of the ìkòkò ceramics collection.

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