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Anna Salinas makes comix about depression, anxiety, binge-eating, and just about every other crummy feeling you can think of! She started making comix about 4 years ago after a breakup coincided with her first major bout of depression. She never expected anything to happen with these doodles, but over the years, the response has been great. Anna especially loves hearing how people relate to the comix — it makes her know that we’re all kinda in this together.  Anna Salinas comix comedian - For Creative Girls

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A post shared by Anna Salinas (@badcomixbyanna) on

Anna is a writer, artist, and actor based in Los Angeles. Her collection of Comix – Badcomixbyanna, a daily webcomic has over 25k followers on Instagram, and that has been featured in various publications including Mitú and She also is one half of the comedy duo John Baxter, along with fellow Upright Citizens Brigade alum Heather Higginbotham and hosts a biweekly comedy show called the Pickle Hour.

Follow Anna Salinas’ Comix on Instagram and get prints via her website.

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