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Interconnected in Confinement

A group exhibition by Forme Femine Art and Arneli Gallery.

Exhibition Details

This virtual exhibition is aimed at documenting the lasting ordeals of African and Middle East women in regards to the Covid-19 pandemic. The exhibition seeks to create a historical record of how women in these groups have navigated through the current pandemic climate; featuring a dynamic collection of works from artists expressing in diverse mediums as they capture vital occurrences and experiences through art.

Interconnected in Confinement is a curated group exhibition of Forme Femine and Arneli Gallery’s represented artists, reflecting various aspects of life and adaptive practices during the lockdown.

As this exhibition explores the similarities and connectedness of human psychological and social human experiences, it further breeds an opportunity for female artists of these denominations to own their narrative, share their experiences and imagery to a global audience irrespective of economic or demographic limitations.

Exhibition Opportunity for Female Artists - Forme Femine

Identify as African or of African Descent
Middle East

Digital Art
Mixed Media & Multimedia

Anchor Themes: Interconnectedness, Confinement and Femininity.

Scheduled Date: May 1st, 2021 12 PM CET, 1PM EET

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