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Once the New Year dawns on us, we are full of fresh starts, expectations, and hopes towards what it will bring. According to a finance expert called Waceke Nduati, it is advisable to declutter activities of the previous year. Try to set new goals and prioritize them. Use the SMART principle.

Make this year one of a kind. Try to explore different opportunities for yourself. In case you have not discovered your hidden potential, this is the moment. You never know where your strongholds lie. Discover them as early as now before it is too late. 

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Remember to seek God this year. It is not a usual thing to see another new year. This is a blessing which should not be taken for granted. Try to read the Bible in order to seek him from a deeper perspective. The scriptures will be a guide towards knowing him more than you ever imagined.

Lastly, seek time alone to search your true self. It is vital for self-development. Thus, it is essential to set time for reflection and planning. This will enable you to know both your short-term and long-term goals. Set realistic goals and be specific.

Annette KariukiAnnette Wangechi Kariuki is a student and online writer, studying Mass Communication at Jomo Kenyatta University of Agriculture and Technology.







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