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Swarovski Foundation has launched ‘Creative for their Future Program’ to support all creatives on a global scale aged 21 to 30 across disciplines including fashion, design, art, architecture and engineering – with no limit to creative medium.

This is a global mentorship and grant program created with guidance from the United Nations Office for Partnerships to find and support the up-and-coming generation of innovative sustainability leaders.

Successful participants in the program will have access to a wide network of partners in the creative sectors, not just Swarovski’s facilities. The program will make every effort to ensure that participants have access to the tools and resources they need to further their research.

The Goal

The goal is to inspire the next generation of creative talent as they develop innovative responses to global sustainability concerns and to accelerate progress toward the SDGs

The six chosen candidates will attend a schedule of activities in New York from September 12 through September 16, 2022, in conjunction with the UN General Assembly. It is required of all candidates that they have a current passport, a US VISA, and that they have read the program’s terms and conditions, which are listed on the website.

The results

Through this initiative, young creatives in this crucial moment can develop their own critical thinking and problem-solving skills. In addition, they will have a great interest in, evidence of, or remarkable potential to use the creative process to advance awareness, technology, or solutions for sustainable development.

This diverse group of mentors and advocates will include internationally renowned figures in disciplines such as materials science, water conservation, social justice, business strategy, engineering, climate action, academia, sustainable development and supply chain management.

The Benefits

  • The individual grants will be €20,000 each.
  • The award comprises of a 20,000 Euro grant, travel to New York (adherence to Swarovski Foundation travel terms and conditions), communication opportunities, educational program including but not limited to; mentor sessions, master classes and online materials. Maximum of one award per applicant and no additional or substitute award will be available.
  • In the event of applicant non-availability for award in its full entirety (inc. grant, US travel and educational program) the Swarovski Foundation reserves the right to revoke award from the applicant. In the event of non-availability of the award for any reason, the Swarovski Foundation reserves the right to substitute the award with an award of a similar nature. No alternative will be available. The award is not transferable.

Who can apply

  • Successful candidates will have a great interest in, evidence of, or remarkable potential to use the creative process to advance awareness, technology, or solutions for sustainable development.
  • Applicants must be between the ages of 21 – 30 at the time of application or before the application deadline.
  • The Program is accessible to citizens of all nations. However, because candidates must travel to the United States as part of the program, they must comply with United States entrance criteria like as visa entry and complete COVID-19 immunization.
  • Employees of the Swarovski Foundation, any of its subsidiaries, agencies, or other organizations participating in the administration of this Program, as well as members of their families, will not be considered
  • Candidates must be citizens of the nation from which they are submitting their entries.
    For the 20,000 Euro award, applicants must have a bank account in their name.

Deadline: 8th August, 2022

Apply Here

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