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The Henry Moore Institute is a world-recognised centre for the study of sculpture. They host a year-round programme of exhibitions, conferences and lectures, as well as developing research and publications, to expand the understanding and scholarship of sculpture. Each year they offer a number of Fellowships to enable artists and researchers to develop their work.

New Projects and Commissions

Awarding grants for exhibitions, exhibition catalogues and commissions that aim to encourage new thinking about sculpture.

Research and Development

Enabling both individuals and organisations to conduct extensive research projects where sculpture is the focus.

Artist Research Fellowships are intended for artists to develop their practice through research, using the Institute’s resources. The fellowships will support a range of visual arts practices and outcomes generated through research into sculpture and its histories.

Research Fellows will be given the opportunity to spend a month in Leeds. In addition we will support up to two six-week Senior Fellowships, which are intended to give established scholars time and space to develop a research project free from usual work commitments.


International Deadline: Feb 25, May 20, Sept 2, Dec 9 2021

Apply here:


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