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Clothes are wearable memories, encoded with fibres and threads of moments. And like Maria Popova says in an article about Worn Stories “One of the most extraordinary things about human beings is that we weave our lives of stories, stories woven of sentimental memories, which we can’t help but attach to our physical environment — from where we walk, creating emotional place-memory maps of a city, to how smell transports us across space and time, to what we wear.”

This sentiment is what Ndeye Yacine Seck is recreating through SOS Clothes.

Ndeye Yacine Seck Faye is the founder of SOS Clothes, which is the first Senegalese company that offers clothes alterations, repair and transformation services.
SOS Clothes is the only company in this market and looks to give a second life to most of our clothes in our closet that is unwearable because they are damaged, and do not fit or are just old fashioned.
SOS Clothes is a good way to promote Sustainable Fashion because it allows a longer use of our clothes when we know that a lot of chemical products are used to turn raw materials into textiles for clothes. This is very harmful to people and environment and SOS Clothes is working to reduce this impact in a context of climate change.

A holder of a Master Degree in Business Law, a postgraduate Degree in Legal Engineering and preparing a Phd Project about Corporate Social Responsibility in Senegal, Ndeye Yacine Seck has worked as an Administrative Assistant Volunteer in a Medical Clinic, and as Project Manager in a Cotton Bag Start up.
Passionate about entrepreneurship, she is the Vice President of an Association named Young African Entrepreneurs which aims to promote entrepreneurship and the Founder of Ucad StartUp.
Combining her passion for fashion with CSR, she created SOS Clothes to foster clothes alterations, repair, and transformation.

To get in touch with Ndeye Yacine Seck, contact her via Facebook and send her an email.

Featured Image via Study Abroad in Senegal Blog.

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