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If you joined our School of Communications Art, SCA scholarship launch event on the 11th of May, you’ll have met our four judges; Joel, Ross, Matt, and Marcella.

These four judges are SCA scholarship Alumni who have all sat in a hot seat, not only to win their scholarships to SCA but to pitch their ideas to very powerful and wealthy people for investment in their businesses. Now it’s your turn.

We want you to do what Joel, Ross, Matt, and Marcella did. You need to invent a great idea for a new product and pitch it perfectly in a 2-minute video.

Your invention can be as wild or as normal as you like, you just need to make sure you pitch it in the best possible way. You need to make sure that our SCA scholarship judges will want to buy it.

You’ve got til’ Wednesday 15th June at 5 pm to get your entries in.

Entry Requirements

There are no specific entry requirements, anyone can enter our competition, regardless of age, financial income, background, or current employment status.

All that we ask is that you must be able to join us in September 2022. If the winner cannot join us in September 2022, your place will be passed to the next eligible recipient. Places cannot be deferred.

How to apply

1. We want you to invent or reinvent a product that can be sold on the High Street.

It could be a product you think could be done better or it could be a completely new invention. It’s entirely up to you. All that we ask is that it must solve a problem.

2. Your product will need to have a brand ‘look’.

Think about your brand colors. What will your logo look like? Will there be a snappy line that will make people laugh, cry or wince? You might even have a jingle!

3. Consider who your product is for.

It could be for women aged 16–25, or for men aged 35–40. Maybe it’s for horses called Nigel, or cats called Clive.

4. You need to pitch your product to us in a video.

The video will be no longer than 2 minutes long. Refer back to the videos from Joel and Marcella. You may also find some inspiration in our student’s award-winning work here.

Once you’re happy with your work, simply submit your entry here. You must do this no later than Wednesday 15th June at 5 pm.

Add your work to Google Slides, Powerpoint, Dropbox (or similar). If you’ve created a case study video, please upload this to YouTube or Vimeo ready to insert the link into the entry form. Need any help, please get in touch with us at:

Dates to look out for :

Wednesday 15th June at 5 pm: Deadline for entries

Friday 1st July: The Hot Seat shortlist will be announced across our social channels and by email

Thursday 14th July: Hot Seat at SCA for a live judging session with shortlisted candidates

Thursday 28th July: The winner will be announced at our end of year summer party

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