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This contest only accepts submissions from women poets. The winning poet will be awarded $3000 and publication on Palette Poetry. Second and third place will win $300 & $200 respectively, as well as publication.

The top ten finalists will be selected by the editors, and guest judge Maggie Smith will then select the winner and two runner ups. Winners and finalists will be announced toward the end of August 2021.

*all women are welcome to submit (cis, trans, non-binary, etc)*

Submission Guidelines

  • for this prize, we are only accepting work from poets who identify as women and/or non-binary
  • submissions are open internationally, to any poet writing in English—other languages are okay to include, as long as the meat of the poem is in English.
  • we accept simultaneous submissions—just please send us a note if your work is picked up elsewhere. (We want to say congrats!)
  • there is no page requirement, but submission must be no more than 3 poems. Please submit all your poems in ONE document.
  • we are only accepting unpublished work with this contest.
  • we do accept multiple submissions, but each submission will include the reading fee.
  • please include a brief cover letter with your publication history.
  • review our FAQ page for frequently asked questions.
  • contest closes on June 20th, 2021.
  • reading fee is $20.

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