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How do I start this when I’m the most guilty?
The past days have been crazy stressful. Of course, I didn’t expect them to be any lighter but I could have worked out a plan to make them less hectic. I had reports upon reports to turn in, a Q4 marketing plan and my pet projects have been suffering.
As if these aren’t more than a girl can chew, I had to do a move!
Logic and the LOML told me I’d break. “But Darling, this girl has been through worse”, I’d retort to myself and him.
My inner self had lost her pompoms and was serially rolling her eyes at me. What was I supposed to do? Everything on my plate was extremely important, I honestly didn’t care if I was gonna break. Monday to Friday took care of all the office stress. Saturday and Sunday saw me through the move. Girl Unbottled Secrets Hooke Law

Hooke’s hooked me!
Remember Hooke’s law of elasticity?
Hooke states that the extension of an elastic object is directly proportional to the force applied to it. Apparently, I had exerted so much pressure on my physical and mental self that by Monday morning, I literally broke down. My face was swollen, you know those types of dark huge scary eye-bags. I couldn’t focus on a single task, this girl had no drop of creative juice left. To add to that, I was in an extremely sour mood, couldn’t have been more bitter if I chewed lemon rind. Do I need mention that I didn’t achieve anything noteworthy all through Monday?

Ok…I’ve rambled enough. But, due to my negligence, I’m going to keep carrying over tasks all week and probably end up at the office this weekend.
Have I taken any lessons from this? I’m never procrastinating or endangering my emotional, mental and physical health by going through that much stress again. I’d mind my business 😂, finish my tasks when due and leave the rest to the universe to sort out.


Ifedayo Ward is a Political Philosopher, Pan Africanist and Feminist. She is championing the course of mental health as a pioneer of Mentally Aware Nigeria Initiative. Ife full-times as a brand manager of a technology brand.

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