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The thing they don’t tell you about choosing the path of Faith is how deeply Faith digs into your vulnerability and makes you want to run into a self-built structure of security. And there’s a lot of quotes about how being vulnerable is a good thing, which all sounds awesome and exciting until you come face-to-face with it. That’s when you understand why people choose Fear. Fear, most of the time is a secure, well-constructed entity that you can close yourself up in. Choosing Faith & Vulnerability is not usually an exciting, bold and courageous phenomenon like the world makes it look like. It usually feels like walking on water, and walking on water is not the most solid decision you can make, trust me.

A couple of weeks ago I was faced with a decision that required having to choose a path of less resistance (that I was already sort of familiar with, from past experiences and failed human attempts) or path of Faith. And in that moment, I chose the path of less resistance, because choosing Faith meant I was going to plunge into my own Vulnerability. I was mentally and physically tired of trying to be brave/courageous, so I decided to quit Faith and pick the familiarity of Fear/Security.
You know how just at the point you give up, light breaks into your darkness? That happened to me. All of a sudden, new knowledge entered into my soul and I felt an aliveness again.
Then I remembered Brene Brown and how she is the queen of Faith and Vulnerability. I decided to binge of her soulfood and be encouraged. Here are a couple of those Talks.

Follow up with Wonuola Lawal’s humorous Vlog on Fear.


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