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Blast Theory are a company that make interactive art that tours the world. We create dazzling, thought-provoking experiences that combine games, apps, live cinema and theatre; feature films where actors respond to you in real time; events where your phone guides you on real-life adventures through the city; and mobile games that invite you to reimagine the world and your future in it.

We’re looking for two talented freelance Junior React Developers to work with our artists, coders and designers. You may be an enthusiastic self-taught developer, a new graduate or an early-career freelancer – but in all cases, you will love writing code and have a strong grounding in React. You’ll have a passion for building user interfaces and learning new technologies; and be excited by the prospect of working with a creative team.

Eligibility: If you’re underrepresented in the software development sector, this opportunity is for you. We’re particularly interested to receive applications from women; people of colour; people with disabilities (including neurodiversity); people from lower socioeconomic backgrounds; and the LGBTQ+ community.

What you get: £600 for four days. During the sprint and throughout any ongoing working relationship with you, we will offer support to develop your confidence and skills as a coder.

Deadline: 24 October 2021

Tap here for application details.

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