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The Institute of African and Diaspora Studies-University of Lagos Africa Cluster Centre offers annually one Practitioner-in-Residence Fellowship (PRF) to provide whoever is selected with opportunities to develop new ideas and subject them to town-gown synergy. The philosophical assumptions of the Fellowship are that the value of practitioners and the cross-pollination between their creative ideas and formal academic disciplines will strengthen ties and trigger novel policies as well as social insights.

Who We Are

Lagos African Cluster Centre (LACC) is one of four (4) African Cluster Centres of the Africa Multiple, Centre of Excellence at the University of Bayreuth, Germany which benefits from an ongoing 7-year infrastructural as well as research grants for projects and initiatives aimed at re-configuring African Studies. The centre is poised to contribute to the Knowledge Lab of the Africa Multiple (Centre of Excellence in African Studies) especially in achieving the goal of reconfiguring African Studies. Equipped with its full complement of competent staff, the centre is prepared with the right atmosphere to galvanize collaborative and interdisciplinary research among African scholars as well as develop and implement formats for the training of early career scholars, especially at the PhD level.

The Fellowship

The fellowship, for a duration of not more than 2 months, is offered on a competitive basis to writers, herbal medical practitioners, policy developers, special programme builders, creative artists in plays, poetry and drama, social engineers, computer programmers, as well as film cum documentary makers.  For instance,

  • a trado-medical practitioner may be in residence  to de-odorise garlic in a bid to promote its wider use.
  • a poet may be in to develop an Ewi or Ijala that addresses a social vice like rape or violent cult.
  • a practising NGO operator  may develop an exchange programme to enhance easy social integration  between Burkina Faso and Nigerian migrants.
  • a computer programmer may be in to develop e-ayo olopon. Any great idea is acceptable from any practitioner in any discipline, so long as they are legitimate and with focus on Africa.

The fellowship includes a shared apartment, a personal office, research facilities, as well as daily stipends. The applicant’s idea is subjected to intellectual contributions of the Institute’s Faculty, and the final version of the work is jointly owned by the author and the Institute.


Any practitioner in any legitimate field is eligible. Academic qualification is not compulsory, but an applicant must demonstrate competence in written and spoken English language. This is without prejudice to their other languages.


Fill this form and submit the application. You can copy the link and paste on your web browser.


Apply Here

Application opens October 5, 2023, and closes November 19, 2023.

For further inquiries, please send an email to

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