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Want to Write a Descriptive Essay About Someone?

A descriptive essay is a type of essay that expresses one’s personal feelings about a character, an event, or any other experience. If you are going to write about someone, make sure you have all the knowledge. Choosing a renowned individual over a random character is a better option because more people will be interested in learning about it.

7 tips on how to write a descriptive essay about a person

You can generate a huge impact on the lives of the people if you successfully craft the descriptive piece. There are many descriptive essay guidelines but the most important ones to write about a person are stated below:

  • Gather all the information

You must have a firm grasp on the personality you will be describing. Have a thorough understanding of his strengths and shortcomings. If you are writing about a famous individual, strive to obtain details that have not been disclosed previously. Present original and thought-provoking perspectives that raise readers’ awareness in new ways. 

Avoid using cliché phrases in your writing and strive to come up with something fresh. Make sure you don’t get sidetracked from your core goal and that the read is worthwhile.

Write a Descriptive Essay About a Person

Photo by Dan Counsell on Unsplash.

  • Make an outline

To write in an organized manner and not miss any key points, you must first create an outline. You can use several books or any other appropriate material to assist you. It assists you inappropriately structuring your thoughts and avoiding a jumble. Make a list of all the significant aspects and categorize the material.

You must adhere to the basic structure of an essay, which includes an introduction, body, and conclusion, and adapt it as needed. Your paper should be straightforward to read and understand, with no superfluous details. Make a well-thought-out outline that accomplishes the goal.

  • Introduce the character through professional descriptions

Your description of the character should be professional rather than ordinary. Write as if you are portraying the character in great detail and with precision. Use the images to help you describe the appearance and share your observations. You can then elegantly explain that person’s characteristics, demeanor, strengths, and weaknesses.

It is not necessary to stuff your article with compliments; instead, provide a quick critical assessment. Your article should look to be inspirational rather than a mundane summary.

  • Share impactful experiences

When choosing a theme for your essay, think about a person who has had significant life experiences. Such experiences should be shared with the readers to inspire them or teach them valuable lessons. Avoid presenting any irrelevant data or instances, and instead, focus on those that demonstrate the personality’s role in bringing about positive change.

If you are writing about a social figure, for example, don’t forget to mention his charitable efforts or any other noteworthy contributions to society. It not only educates individuals but also inspires them to follow in the footsteps of those who have had a significant impact on society.

  • Give an emotional touch

Your descriptive essay should elicit an emotional response from the reader. You can use your creative flair to show the subject’s hardships and challenges in a very sensitive way. Readers may be able to relate to comparable difficulties in their own lives and gain a sense of direction. You can discuss how the subject overcame challenges and attained his objectives.

You may share the character’s grit, hard work, and commitment to inspire people to believe in their aspirations and never give up. To build a sense of admiration in the minds of the readers, state his caliber and other personality attributes such as humility, generosity, and so on.

  • Use metaphors, similes, and idiomatic phrases

Metaphors, similes, and other components can be utilized to improve the content’s value and appeal to the reader. Instead of simply describing a quality, you can utilize phrases that have the same meaning. Rather than exhibiting his bravery and courage, you might just state “he is a lion.”

These terms not only make the sentence shorter and more meaningful, but they also draw the reader’s attention to it. Your essay should be written in a thoughtful manner that covers all of the important issues while also making your content interesting to read.

  • Conclude in a comprehensive manner

The last paragraph should give a full review of the personality you have discussed. If you are personally related to or inspired by that person, share your final thoughts by describing what that person means to you. It will give your material a more trustworthy and genuine appearance.

Concentrate on the reason you are writing it and give your best effort. If someone else has characterized that famous personality, don’t be afraid to use some referral links to back up your material. You can also include a variety of quotations related to your topic.


If you have all of the necessary information and comprehension of the structure, writing a descriptive essay about a person is not difficult. Once you have created an outline, filling in the specifics while keeping the aforementioned ideas in mind will be a piece of cake for you. 

Author’s Bio

Our experienced and quality-conscious writer, Jasmine Pope, specializes in creating well-structured essays. She is an expert at performing relevant research on the subject. Her commitment to her profession and ability to effectively collaborate with others makes her an inspiration.


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