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The woman is in no way less than a man. She has succeeded in making her identity like men. There is an equal number of women entrepreneurship in the world like men have. The gender gap is slowly and gradually disappearing; everyone is working equally well in a firm or organization. As there is no gender difference, many women have started their career as an entrepreneur. They began hiring employees who can work with them to run a business successfully. But after the COVID-19 attack, things have started changing. 

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The research shows that COVID-19 has had a heavier impact on men and women entrepreneurship. Many companies have downsized their organization and fired employees immediately. Due to the pandemic, schools are closed, shops are shut down, and people are working remotely. 

The virus has become a threat for women, especially those who have started their work in recent times. More than 700,000 women have lost their jobs in the pandemic, increasing the gender employment gap affecting female economic empowerment. Check the following ways on how COVID-19 has affected female entrepreneurs:

Less Demand of Women Services

Many women were working in a sales company, and due to the pandemic, these firms are now closed temporarily. We don’t know when the government of the particular country will again open the markets and brands. More than 50% of women worked in a wholesale company, which is why they are in less demand nowadays.

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People are not spending on unnecessary products as they are now jobless and can’t afford to buy things that are not needed. 

On the other hand, many women work in beauty salons, restaurants, and health and fitness clubs that are forcefully closed in many sectors. And they cannot take a risk to go to other’s homes to give them services as it is pretty risky for them. 

Balance Between Work and Life

We all know that many women are teachers; they have built an effective career as a teacher. But when businesses locked down, many schools did too. This means females have to manage their school digitally and look after their home as well.

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Working from home has advantages and disadvantages too. If a woman cannot communicate face to face, she can manage the task at home without being communicative. But it is challenging for a woman who has kids at home. It is not easy to be a mom and a teacher together. School closure means you have to take out time for child care and complete a class syllabus. 

Also, many women live with a joined family, which means they have to look after their family. There is only one-quarter of a female who works as an employee. Others are a house wife or owned businesswomen. And of course, it is very difficult to maintain strict boundaries between work and home life. 

Need of a Change 

Women are really talented and know how to manage if they are in a problem. For instance, if a fitness trainer has lost their job and cannot go to the gym for classes, they can shift to online fitness classes. Of course, a woman should stay strong as they need a change

Women are always ready to get new challenges and stay flexible in order to get succeed. And these qualities have shown that how a woman can survive and learn new things. Whether they contribute as a teacher to become a caretaker, they can easily manage things. It may impact their career at first, but they tend to put themselves in such fields to earn and continue their skills. 

Change generally comes from desperation or inspiration, if you were told about a course that had the ability to change your income, work-life balance and other people’s lives, based on your worth ethic of course, would you do it? To name a few, you could enroll on to a yoga teacher training course, work online and offline, create multiple streams of income whilst still working in your 9-5 job, then eventually have the opportunity to turn your passion into a career.

Will you change?

Business Survival During COVID-19

Many women have a strong back and can start a business with a huge amount of capital, but not every woman can manage to start a business with good finance. They can run their business with their skills and experience. As per the research conducted by dissertation writers UK, only 25% of female entrepreneurs seek finance compared to 34% of men. It means companies that females run may be weak during the crises because they have less capital or their income is low.

By keeping research and facts in mind, it is proven that many of the firms run by a female may confront threats during bad times like COVID-19. And COVID-19 is one of the most prominent examples that to remember before starting any firm. 

Issues Women May Face During this Time 

  1. Focus on giving loans to women entrepreneurs is quite challenging. They might not help without any experience. 
  2. Technological innovation eliminates the majority of women-led businesses. 
  3. Women definitely need support and advice from the experienced person who has succeeded in growing the business. 
  4. Gender discrimination is always on the top that may lose the motivation level of a woman.
  5. For this, we have to ensure that support staff is fairly assigned to needy women looking for healthy support. 
  6. Ensure that innovations through the ecosystem can be influenced and virtual to meet the women entrepreneurship need in a better way. 
  7. They may reject you if you are a solo entrepreneur. Try having a back who can support you in both cases of profit and loss. 


Here you will get the complete details about the impacts of COVID-19 on women entrepreneurship and what problems women faced with staying safe. But as a woman, you should be aware of the second option that you can try when it comes to lose or crises. Many of us have already started the career again as we have the backup option, but you can read such guides and benefit from them for those who are worried and don’t know how to begin.

Author Bio

Gloria Kopp is a passionate blogger from Wyoming, MI and understands the value of good content. She is currently working as a Blogger at Postal Worker Job. Gloria writes blogs and articles to share her passion for dissertation writing services. She helps beginners to learn more about business ideas and how to get success in them.




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