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Different international organizations around the world such as the UN, consider self-confidence as one of the most important issues in human life! Having self-confidence helps you become more ambitious and guides you in achieving a lot of goals in your life! Having self-confidence will help you cultivate positive impressions, outcomes, and actions while communicating with your own self, family members, friends or even with your external society!

My advice to you for becoming more confident and acting positively is to attain a positive attitude and do away with a negative one! Convince yourself that you cannot afford to be non-optimistic because what you think will influence your mood and therefore your output. Always have a big smile on your face, which is tantamount to putting on a great attitude on your body and mind all the time, which is going to help in combating stress or worry! How to Gain the Self-Confidence - Doaa Gamal - Musician

Do not forget to care for yourself. Be in good physical and mental shape – read a lot of books that’ll help you maintain a healthy mental state. Eat right and try to exercise or stay fit from time to time. All these habits will keep you healthy!

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Do not be afraid of trying something new! Give yourself a chance to change something around you!
Insist on facing your challenges! Facing different obstacles in life will help you build your self-confidence and give you the fortitude for believing in your dreams! Work on proving to yourself that you can do what you would like to. Gain different life experiences and always be proud of yourself! How to Gain the Self-Confidence - Doaa Gamal - Try Something New

Live in a positive and attractive environment. This is going to help in feeling more comfortable and confident. Choose your close friends carefully. It’s going to reflect positively on your lifestyle.

Always say and write confident quotes to yourself! By hearing and saying awesome and unique quotes, confidence will begin to reflect in everything around you in your life! The more you see and hear these positive messages about yourself, the more you will start to believe them. How to Gain the Self-Confidence - Doaa Gamal - Confidence Quotes

Always depend on yourself.
Do your best, motivate yourself and do not wait for someone else to do it for you! Be strong as much as you can in facing and combating with different life situations. “You gain strength, courage, and confidence by every experience in which you really stop to look fear in the face. You are able to say to yourself, ‘I lived through this horror. I can take the next thing that comes along.” – Eleanor Roosevelt

Doaa Gamal`s Personal PhotoDoaa Gamal is passionate about writing and helping others. She believes that through writing, one can deliver different messages that can influence the world around us. She works to help others set up their goals and discover their potential. She is also a life enthusiast and blogger always looking at the bright side of life. She is interested in sustainable development, education and helping others through volunteer work.
She looks forward to being an added value to (For Creative Girls) by helping in raising awareness of its work around the world!




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