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Venus Libido is an illustrator based in the South of England. She spent several years working within a variety of different art industries around London before realising she had a burning desire and hidden talent for drawing.
The general aesthetic of her work reflects a personal irritation and bitterness that has stemmed from experiences of misogyny, patriarchy and a constant fight for equal rights for women in the workplace.

Venus also touches on her experiences of mental health. She portrays her thoughts and experiences through her drawings, sometimes touching on issues that are taboo, or not ‘socially acceptable’ to talk about.
Her website is a masterpiece of anti-patriarchy art and women wading in their own awesomeness. She is destroying built up concepts of patriarchy through art. You can also get prints of her work.

Read Chimamanda Adichie’s Essay on Raising a Feminist Daughter

Trying to get through the day #givenofucks

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