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Ariel Adkins makes clothing inspired by art. Ariel’s mission is to be a living work of art each day. She creates garments and outfits inspired by artwork from all different genres, mediums, and eras, from Ancient Egypt to Impressionism, Abstract Expressionism to graffiti.
With a background in Studio Art and Art History, as well as a graduate degree in Art Market, Ariel Adkins’ mantra stems from Oscar Wilde’s quote “One should either be a work of Art or wear a work of Art.”
In an interview with Art Zealous, Ariel describes her process of making dresses from art – “I start with an artwork that appeals to me – whether I find it beautiful or intriguing or representing a technique or style that I haven’t tried to emulate before. I do some research on the artist and his or her process. Typically, I use found garments, sketching out the composition ahead of time. Then I get to work, using paint, stencils, fringe, or whatever type of accouterment the work requires.”

Quote credit: Art Zealous. Additional Content Credit: Artfully Awear.

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